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Persyou – Safeguarding Policy


Through our coaching work we make it clear that we treat everyone with respect, we will not tolerate sexual misconduct, violence or abuse. 


We recognise that we have a fundamental responsibility to provide an environment in which individuals of all ages, whether staff or clients, may work, learn and develop in a safe environment. This responsibility includes an ethical and moral duty to safeguard children and Adults at Risk at any time when they are engaging with our staff or programmes whether in person or online. Whilst a majority of our work is online, when we visit schools in person, we will contract to be accompanied by a member of staff. 


This policy seeks to reflect general safeguarding guidance and good practice relating to the education and coaching sectors.


1. The Purpose of this Policy

The purpose of this Safeguarding Policy is to set out our responsibilities, processes and procedures and outline how we will:

  • Provide a safe and supportive environment for our staff and clients.

  • Provide a safe and supportive environment for children and Adults at Risk who engage with our staff and coaching programmes. 

  • Ensure that staff, students and apprentices engaging with children and Adults at Risk receive relevant training and understand their role and responsibilities.

  • Ensure that there is a clear reporting and escalation route should staff, students or apprentices become aware of a safeguarding concern.


2. Scope

This Policy applies to staff and clients whether in person or online and covers our interaction with children and Adults at Risk. The policy provides guidance on our internal procedures, but acknowledges that it may be appropriate in certain circumstances to report safeguarding concerns about children or Adults at Risk to a range of external agencies.


3. Definitions

Child: References to “child” or “children” in this policy means anyone under the age of 18 years.

Adult at Risk: The University bases its definition of an “Adult at Risk” on that used within the Care Act 2014 and defines an Adult at Risk as someone over 18 years of age who (i) has needs for care and support; and (ii) is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect; and (iii) as a result of those needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.


Safeguarding Children: In defining our approach towards children, Persyou Ltd draws on the definition used by the DfE in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (KCSE). While KCSE only applies to Schools and Colleges, we will play our part in:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment.

  • Preventing impairment of children’s mental of physical health or development.

  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


Safeguarding Adults at Risk: While Persyou Ltd is not subject to the provisions of the Care Act 2014, it draws broadly on this act to inform its policy on safeguarding Adults at Risk. We will play our part to:

Ensure that the rights of Adults at Risk are protected to enable them to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.


Ensure that the wellbeing of the Adult at Risk is promoted and that in deciding on any action to be taken we will take into account their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs, for example when considering whether to refer concerns to statutory bodies or when seeking support from charitable organisations.

However we recognise that Adults at Risk sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances and may not fully appreciate potential risks to their safety or well-being and therefore it may not always be possible to fully defer to their wishes when seeking he best way forward.


Staff: References to ‘staff’ include all paid Persyou Ltd staff whether working on a permanent or temporary contract, or apprentices.


4. Safeguarding children and Adults at Risk

We have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children and Adults at Risk can live, learn and develop. We understand that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and Adults at Risk is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a role to play in protecting them in so far as we are reasonably able to do so within the context of a our working environment and in relation to coaching-led activities.


(a) Responsibilities 

Persyou Ltd has specific responsibility to promote good safeguarding practice and ensure that they have a fit for purpose Safeguarding Policy and related procedures that are reviewed at least annually and, if necessary, revised to meet evolving Regulatory requirements and relevant Best Practice Guidance.


The Persyou Ltd Team will:

  • Ensure that the Safeguarding Policy and accompanying procedures, advice and guidance are fit for purpose and complies generally with good practice and where reasonably possible, with safeguarding guidance issued by relevant statutory bodies concerned with such matters.

  • Ensure that staff are aware of their duties under the Safeguarding Policy and receive any assistance that they may require to arrange appropriate guidance on developing their safeguarding-related policies and procedures.

  • Ensure that appropriate safeguarding training is available for members of the Persyou Ltd who work with children and Adults at Risk.

  • Ensure that that processes and procedures are in place for relevant recruitment checks and that these are conducted for relevant roles including, but not limited to: DBS checks where lawfully permitted, Certificates of Good Conduct, safeguarding aspects of Fitness to Practice procedures, and that any issues arising from these checks are resolved before engagement with children or Adults at Risk commences.

  • Ensure that routes to report or escalate safeguarding concerns are clearly “signposted”, accessible and appropriately monitored.

  • Ensure that reported safeguarding concerns are reviewed, specialist guidance sought and appropriate action taken to escalate internally and / or to the relevant external agency within statutory time frames.


b) Reporting


Safeguarding concerns MUST be reported immediately
(or where this is not possible at the earliest opportunity) so that the report can be assessed and action taken
to protect the person involved. If any person is at immediate risk of harm or requires medical attention, the emergency services should be contacted immediately by telephoning 999. 


If a member of the public, parent/guardian, police or Local Authority Services reports a safeguarding concern to the Company, the matter must be referred to the Persyou Ltd Director/Team for assessment no later than the next working day. 


If for any reason, the Persyou Ltd Director/Team cannot be contacted, the following organisations can be contacted for advice: 


  • Concern about a child – You should contact the Local Authority Children Services. Use the 

  • website to find the Local Authority Services for your area.

  • the NSPCC Helpline (0808 800 5000


  • Local Police – Telephone 101 for non-emergency referrals and 999 for emergency response.


c) Record 

It is important that you keep an accurate written record of any safeguarding concern you have or someone raises with you. Your written record must: 

  • be made as soon as possible after the event/concern is raised; 

  • contain the date, time, people present, and anything said (verbatim if possible); 

  • detail the behaviour and demeanour of the person disclosing the safeguarding issue; 

  • detail any action you have taken (for example, how you have reduced risk or whether you have  referred the matter to the Director); 

  • be a factual account of what has happened; 

  • be accurate and comprehensive. 

Do not record any opinion about what has happened.


You are not there to judge or ascertain whether what you are being told is correct. 

All Safeguarding Concerns must be emailed to:


When a safeguarding concern has been reported, the Persyou Ltd Director/Team will: 

  • Assess the information received; 

  • Identify any risks to individuals contained within the report; 

  • Decide if immediate action is needed to remove, reduce or control the risks identified; 

  • Take such action if it is required; 

  • Decide whether the information in the safeguarding concern constitutes a safeguarding allegation against anyone employed, engaged by, or working through the Company; 

  • Decide whether a referral to the police and/or Local Authority Services is required; 

  • Decide what further action by the Company may be needed to manage the investigation. 


5. Guidance

This policy provides the overall framework and statement of principles regarding the Persyou Ltd approach to safeguarding children and Adults at Risk. Support and specific advice relating to the implementation and duties under this policy can be provided by the Persyou Ltd Team (



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